Days 5-6 NICU

Things are much better and I will focus on the positive. I realize that I’ve been really negative lately and I account for it to being overwhelmed and in hormonal overdrive. I’ve been coming home in the afternoons with my mom and taking a nap and them going back to the hospital and that is also helping me a lot.

Roo got out from the bili lights yesterday and I snuggled with her for as long as they would let me! I got to kangaroo her and the nurse put her to my breast but Roo didn’t do much but root around. It was amazing to have skin to skin contact with my baby for the first time since she was born. I am more in love than ever before.

This morning I got to nurse her. This time she took to my breast and ate for about 20 minutes. She was weighed before and after and took about 8 mls of my breast milk. They topped her off with her remaining quantity.

She is doing so well! They put a feeding tube in her nose but she hasn’t needed it. They are worried that as they increase her daily amount that she’ll have trouble staying awake to finish it. But, so far, my feisty little girl has proven them wrong!!

Our nurse today thinks she’ll go home in 2 weeks, which excited and scares me at the same time. I’m ready to being our baby girl home but I also am not ready! We haven’t yet taken the infant CPR class and that worries me.

However, it’ll be ok. I know it! Regardless of when we bring her home and if we’ve taken the class or not we will still be anxious!! I am not getting my hopes up yet though! I can’t be disappointed.

Our baby girl’s weight is up and today she passed her birth weight by one ounce!! Soon she will be 4 pounds!!!

Tomorrow, I will nurse her again. I will also ask to kangaroo again too! It is the best feeling ever.

MH has been coming to hold Roo for a while over his lunch, which is awesome. I’m there sometimes and not for most times. I’m actually glad that he gets some one-on-one time with her. He also changed his first diaper, which is awesome and very hard to do in an isolette! I’m proud and he’s already proving to be an amazing daddy, which I knew he would be before I even married him!!

Roo turns one week old tomorrow. I can’t believe it. The past week has been a whirlwind of excitement, joy and disbelief!!

Thanks for your support and encouragement.


PS: as soon as her IV comes out later this week, we will get to put her in real clothes!! I can’t wait to put her in some of the adorable outfits my friends and some of you have sent/loaned me!!


11 thoughts on “Days 5-6 NICU

  1. Oh my she is soooo cute!! I have heard babies who were quite jaundice have a harder time latching so if it’s hard or she gets tired easily that might be the reason and just keep trying!! Shell get the hang of it and then she will fatten right up!!

  2. Sorry I just have to say again that she is beautiful! I’m glad to hear she nursed and that she’s gaining weight…and that you are getting some rest and feeling better. You might not feel ready for her to come home but you are!! You’ve got all you need.

  3. Hi!! It’s marley from hellobee! I was wondering about how you were doing and found your blog in your profile. Congrats! Your little girl is so cute!

  4. She is just. too. cute! I’m so glad you’re all doing well and you’re feeling better. Hormones are the worst! Enjoy the weekend with your little one! (did I mention I love her name? It’s on my list for baby #2…can’t believe I’m thinking of #2 and #1 isn’t even here yet!).

  5. It’s Kristen (orvis18) from Hellobee! Just checking in to say congratulations and she is beautiful! I’ve been thinking of you and sending lots of positive energy your way. I hope you’re able to take her home soon.

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