
Am I a bad mommy to think that being at home with my baby is mind-numbing?  Being a stay-at-home-mommy is tough and I can’t wait until I start to work again – which I’m not sure when will be but I’m starting to get an itch for it already.

I feel awful but I live for her naps – we play, read books, sing songs and talk to get from one nap to the next.  During her naps I watch TV and do things for myself but since she only naps on me, I’m limited to what I can do.

Clearly, I’m not a fan of the infant/baby stage.  I can’t wait until she’s a toddler and old enough to communicate and do more with interactively.  I love and appreciate the smiles, coos and kisses that Roo gives to me but I think I’ll get more pleasure being with her as she gets older.

I realize that part of my issue might be because we are limited in where we go.  Because she was premature, we have to avoid crowded public spaces to ensure she doesn’t get sick and so we spend most of our time at home.  Inside.  By ourselves.  Being at home with her is mind-numbingly boring and I don’t like it.

Judge away.  I’m ok with it.

Anyone else feel this way or am I just nuts?!